
Showing posts from November, 2010

A Christmas Song (with Lyrics)

As I am browsing for Holiday music and this one fell into my play list. It's a song from Joseph to Jesus. It's a beautiful song. Joseph acknowledge that our Father in heaven was his son's Father regardless of how Jesus came to be biologically. God always comes first. To all the fathers out there, your son or daughter will always be your child with God's blessings. :-) Enjoy the song.

How do you manage physical pain?

If you are one of the few people who suffer from nerve wrecking pain in the back, hips and legs as the season starts to turn cooler, what do you do for pain management? The last week alone has been unfortunately painful for my hips and lower back.  I was giving strong medicines, but they make me constipated and tired.  I have naturally applied heat to the area and even soaked in Epsom Salt for about a half hour or more. I do not want to take any narcotics due to bad interacting with my digestive system.  I cannot go to a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, which sucks, because those are completely alternative I would like to have.  But my insurance does not include such practices under my insurance plan.  Instead as the only alternative to get this pain under control is to go through Physical Therapy. Now if you have been to the PT, you know the first day they assess your case, evaluate your posture to pin point any uneven or off balanced parts.  Whatever the findings are, those are

A Place Called Home

This is my song for the holiday seasons. A simple little message, A Place to Call Home. Not many around this time have a place to call home. So embrace your love ones and your family.


In recent weeks, I have been speaking to a very few of my close friends about dealing with family situations.  I have been thinking about how everyone goes for themselves these days and families falling apart.  My mother always said to go for yourself, my grandmother said the same thing and quite a few others have said it as well. Now that we live in an era where divorce rates are high, people getting married for all the wrong reasons without thought, a strong family structure isn't what it used to be.  One of my male friends who I've known for almost ten years, hurt himself because he doesn't deal well with group or family living situations well.  He left one place to live with his parents, only to find out he want to return back to the crowded living space where he was a danger to himself and others originally.  He still believes he is a danger to himself and others around him.  What he does, he keeps all his issues bottled up, he blames his parents for exposing him to

I was

In the following I will write about my past a bit.  However, follow closely to what I am saying and then think about what it speaks to you. I was I was a child of an acoholic. I was a child of abuse. I was a child of rejection. I was a child of no hope. I was a child of limitations. I was a child of no love. I was a child of no father. I was a child who lived on dreams. I was a child of heart breaks. I was a child who wanted a friend, who would listen and comfort me in ways no one wanted to. I was a child who felt unwanted. I was a child whose future was none. Now here I am today, an adult. I am loved. I love myself. I love my close friends. I love my life. Just because as a child I had no positive structure, I didn't allow it to ruin my adulthood. Instead all of that made me more determined to make the most out of life. I may have lack in a lot, But I was able to make it up. The past shouldn't define you, you have to find you. You have to learn to live for you. You have to