
Showing posts from January, 2012

9 Lessons on Loss, Forgiveness, and Healing

 Clink the link below, it teaches you a little something about life. 9 Lessons on Loss, Forgiveness, and Healing Read this for it is true in many ways.

Psalms 28:7


Hidden Lessons

Recently, I was having a conversation with a good close friend of mine who has been struggling with his own past.  He is a good person with a big heart, however he doesn't know how to deal with what he went through as a child and teen and he is just a year older than I.  What I have noticed with many of my male friends, they all have something haunting them or something that they can't let go of or something that leaves them feeling vulnerable in certain situations.  It is always something, but I tell them all to seek help and/or learn to face their fears or issues in the face.  I am no expert on men, just so you know.  However, I am just a mere observer of things that I can pick up on and digest it.  Just take note, that both males and females struggle with one thing or another from their past and its usually something that plays a role in why they can't get ahead in life.  Even when the do get ahead in life, they still don't feel satisfied and wonder why.  Would the p

I Won't Give Up

My New Year's song of the month.

Welcoming the New Year with Positive Outlook

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions , and not upon our circumstances." - Martha Washington No matter what situation you are in or who you are dealing with, you are in control of your own attitude and life choices you make. A few nights ago, after putting my son down, checking in on my younger bro who is visiting me, I sat down on my bed and just wondered.  I wondered about what I could do to make this year a great year, a better year.  Then I thought about all the negativity that a lot of situations brought into my life and how I reacted to those and I thought to myself, "I didn't back down, not once." Hmmm...what does that say about me?  I have grown over the last year and have gotten stronger. Life is far from perfect.  Everyone wears a mask when they are out and about.  Some people show t

Faith - Keep it Real

 *This piece was originally posted on my Facebook in July 2011 This past weekend, I went camping with my ladies and had a blast.  On our last night me and my sis/friend Sarah had a good conversation.   She said something that made me realized something about myself, "People say they have faith but you show real faith because you have manage to overcome a lot and continue to move on and do well."  Its true, people speak that they have faith when really they have none. When you are down and out or going through a tough time, do you think positive or negative? Do you curse God or thank him or ask for help from him?  Just think about it.  There was a scripture I was reading last night and it silent me, in a good way.  It got me thinking about the quality of any individual I meet along the way.  It got me thinking about the ways of the world and how faith is quickly going out the window.  You have to give your heart to God, he will guide it and protect it, he wi

A Reason, Season or Lifetime

A long while ago, I stumbled upon this poem when I was young.  Just recently I was reminded of it and realized its okay to move on and go separate ways.  But no matter what - I'll always remember those who taught me something about life. So read with an open mind and a open heart. Reason, Season, or Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they wal


Today we live in a world where the ill-advice of "Go for yourself" has been spreading like wildfires.  Money has driven some to greed, some to their own destruction and some for themselves.  Greed - has no heart, no compassion, no relations. While it is indeed the holidays, please be graceful for the families you do have, the good decent friends and people you know, be graceful for life itself. There are others whose circumstances may prevent them to enjoy the holidays to the fullest.  Someone who has recently been diagnosis with a deteriorating disease, someone who found out they have days to weeks to live, someone who just randomly gotten hit and killed, someone who is mourning a love one, someone who failed to appreciate life, someone who been laid off, someone who can't afford food, someone who feels as if they have failed there family, someone who is trying to feed their child but sacrifices one plate of food to the child while they starve.  Know no